The Prime Directive Above all else: Be Excellent to Each Other Related subs Basic Decorum Don't engage in racism, sexism, creeedism, homophobia, transphobia, or general assholery. Rule of thumb, if there's any reasonable chance you could get hurt or killed if something went awry you'll probably be directed to find yourself an expert. This can include certain electrical jobs, or natural gas plumbing jobs for example. There are things that are too dangerous for us to handle here. A description of the event(s) or circumstances that lead up to or were present at the time the issue arose.If there is a part number or a model number on something you suspect or know to be at issue definitely include that.This can mean, for example, close up photos of a part as well as photos from farther back, and/or different angles, which give significant context. Posting for Maximum Effect When you make your submission, post a detailed description of your issue and the friendly users here will do their best to sort you out.

Hopefully this will let future readers learn from our collective successes. Passing good fixes forwardįurther to this goal of providing a service If someone's comment provides you with a working solution to your issue (or if you just plain figure it out for yourself) post a comment singling out what the solution ultimately was and please flair your post as Fixed. Don't post about things you've already solved or made, /r/DIY is a better place for that.
Hello kitty clock projector mods#
Do not market anything here without asking the mods first (spoiler, we're gonna say no), don't be posting links to with affiliate codes in them either. Keep the comments on-topic, you can make jokes, it's fine, just don't go off the rails. We strive above all to be a sub that provides a community service, and as such we hold ourselves to certain standards. Someone here is going to try to help you fix it when it's busted. HKT2064 - HELLO KITTY KT2064 AM FM Projection Alarm Clock Radio, B005ZM4JA0, 696582480776, 096161323468, FBAKT2064P at camelcamelcamel: Amazon price. Appliances, kitchen utensils, drills, chainsaws, and machines of all ilk. Doors, walls, furniture and floors, popcorn ceilings and ceiling fans. From eyeglasses, to office chairs, cherished childhood stuffed animals, and trinkets and toys.